Friday, January 30, 2015

Providential Guideposts ... p. 36

Those who forever question life’s purpose tend to reach a time when the struggle to understand so exhausts the mind that the subconscious—our higher, spiritual, self—takes over. This divinely self-protective measure at once frees us of crippling egoism and blesses us instead with compassionate humility. Our soul is laid bare: we are again one with God, alive in the fullness of His Love.

Instinctively we know this new-found sense of spiritual empowerment is not in itself enough. With no thought of resting on our laurels, we discover the joy of giving freely of ourself to others, all the while manifesting God’s Goodness and His Love. In the doing we are even further blessed in that we awaken to the fact that we have become part of a community of the like-minded souls.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Providential Guideposts ... p. 35

What does it mean“to be saved;” “to give ourself to God;” “to surrender to God?”  These and other such praiseworthy terms are made real, not by whim, but when we succumb—mind, body and soul—to that higher power from within; our divine spirituality.

Each of us experiences this spiritual transformation in his or her own way. The one factor common to all, however, is this: We must cease the turmoil of the mind in favour of Godly thoughts. Giving ourself over to God in this manner fills us with the freedom and the joy of Walking in His Way. Blind pursuit of worldly ways is revealed as aught but an empty promise.

Providential Guideposts ... p. 34

With but little thought it should come as no surprise that we are, each one of us, unlike any other: each destined to find his or her own way in life. To be sure, there is a path that unites us; one that acknowledges our own God-given Goodness.

Though not visible to the naked eye, life’s many providential guideposts are there for all to see were we to look within.

Fundamental to our embracing ever-abiding goodness is that of self-honesty, all the while paring away layer upon layer of worldly habits that obscure the divine light of our life-giving soul. Bit by bit we free ourself of crippling ego. Selfishness is overcome by concern for others, ever looking for the good in each person. We learn to give thanks for that which befalls us and to trust in others, which, of itself, invites trust. Life’s setbacks are viewed as but stepping stones to even greater heights. Self-doubt becomes self-confidence, while self-importance falls prey to humility. Not least, we learn to love ourself and others. The transformative power of Goodness abounds with us.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Providential Guideposts ... p. 33

Honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness, humility are exemplary human characteristics which connote moral integrity. Such character traits are not ephemeral – a product of the mind – but are inborn: in a word, providential.

We alone bear responsibility for honouring these moral imperatives. Thus do we honour as well ourself, our fellow-man and our very humanity.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Providential Guideposts ... p. 32

There are no exceptions: we are all sheltered under the glorious canopy of God’s boundless Goodness and Love. That many are plainly unaware of this divine blessing is nothing short of human tragedy. To our own good fortune, however, the key to awareness lies ever within us.

In all earnestness, we have but to replace mundane thoughts with those of God, by their very nature unselfish and loving. Honesty of purpose begets transcendental purity of thought, which in turn transports us into the wondrous realm of our own spirituality: a oneness with God.