Sunday, June 20, 2010


Humanity is God's own creation, each person a microcosm of His divine spiritual light; His essence our very soul--the ever-present god within.

Of that which is our being, only the soul is immortal, and only the soul embodies God's goodness and love. All else in life is ephemeral.

Were we to become fully functioning human beings we would faithfully attend to the needs of each of our component parts--mind, body and soul. Evidence abounds, however, that we fail to nourish the soul, what with man's ongoing inhumanity to man. This, much to our own peril.

It is the soul, via our own spirituality, that unites us with God. All else in life is secondary at best. Left unattended, the soul lies dormant within. It becomes enlivened only when we acknowledge God's presence.

The quest to know God is a journey that each must take alone, each in his own way. What begins as a longing becomes, through faith, spiritual enlightenment: That which unites the god within to the Supreme God who is both within and everywhere around us.

by Garry Kilbourn

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