Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blessings of Faith...strengthens me!

I BELIEVED I HAD OVERCOME letting my mind take me on a journey of negative-wasteful thoughts…the ones that go round-and-round, getting bigger and bigger, and causing your whole being to doubt itself. The last few days I witnessed my thoughts undoing lessons learned in recent "positive thinking and stress-free living" classes.  Old habits die hard. Transformation takes mind-work to get at the root of "why" past-life-defeating-habits are allowed to continue their destructive ways.

I've learned MY THOUGHTS are the cause of everything. I've learned I shouldn't presume to know what someone else's thoughts are, and you can't change can only change your SELF. I went within my SELF to do the work of positive inner talk and listen for that still, small voice within me. I heard, “do not lean to your own understanding.” Over and over I heard this phrase, believed it, and was truly blessed. I felt PEACEFULNESS relax my mind, my body and my soul.

I'VE LEARNED, if you override the gift of intuition...the still, small voice within you, and allow yourself to keep taking back the doubt, the worry, the negativity...eventually you won’t hear God whispering, "I give you my peace, I leave you my peace."

WHEN I do the work of positive SELF talk, thoughts change.
WHEN I strengthen my mind, my thoughts, and how I see and CHANGES!

SURROUND yourself with good friends and FEED your mind with uplifting word and music!

Bonnie Woodard

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization  209-2988 (403)

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.


Bonnie said...

From E-mail: "Thank you for sharing such beautiful messages. I really appreciate receiving them." R.G.

Bonnie said...

From E-mail: "I look forward to reading Friday's reflection. Thank you." N.B.