Thursday, October 7, 2010

Alice, my friend...

This evening's visit was both intimate and heart-warming! Intimate because Alice shared her fears and heart-warming because of her trust in our friendship.

I've been visiting Alice in the nursing home for approximately six months. Alice's life suddenly changed due to illness and was told she'd never be able to live on her own again.  This news shook her very soul.

Tonight Alice asked, "how long will I have to be here--it could be twenty years! how will I cope? why am I here?

Alice knows we don't have answers. But she talks and I listen... and will continue to listen over and over for as long as she needs to voice her thoughts...this is the joy of our friendship and the essence of a pastoral visit!

by Bonnie Woodard

Diocesan Pastoral Care Course
Information 218-5501 (403) Calgary AB

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

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