Sunday, July 4, 2010

Moral Bankruptcy of Government...

Because of the way it is constituted, and through long experience, we neither look for nor expect morality in government. Although the iniquities of government evoke a range of emotions in those not in authority, surprise is not among them. That power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely is a truism; one stated by Lord Acton when speaking about men in authority more than a century ago, in April 1887. It is equally true that the moral bankruptcy of government will continue unabated until its ways are curbed by the peoples' moral uprising.

Canadians should question the need for an armed forces. Who among us can justify ever again sending armies of men and women into battle as was the custom in the two world wars of this century? And who are the attackers that we plan to repel at our borders?

We would better serve humankind by turning the might of our military into a force capable of instant response to victims of disaster world-wide. We have but to redirect our efforts to a higher purpose. In doing so we enrich our own lives and set a much-needed example for others.

Garry D. Kilbourn

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