Sunday, July 4, 2010

Be Conscious of Your Intention...

Don't wait to be asked: if it is apparent that a friend is in need of financial assistance and our own needs are being met, we should freely offer to help. Our first reaction should be to give what money we can spare. For our own peace of mind, however, we should not allow our goodness to be abused, which becomes a matter for our own conscience. It may be, after due consideration, that our friend's needs may best be served by way of a loan, and not an outright gift of money; this to give a lesson in ethics. At the same time we must be mindful of the fact that such a loan could disturb our quietude. The very fact of the loan, more so than the dollar amount loaned, becomes an encumbrance.

In our deliberations as to whether we are to make a gift or a loan of the money, the prospect of such an encumbrance is a matter of consequence. For the most part, it will be found that it is better all round to give the money. The recipient will be the better for it as well, and may one day do the same for another.

Garry D. Kilbourn

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