Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Remembrance Day ...

Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee ; thy elders, and they will tell thee ?
— Deuteronomy 32:7
King James Version of the Bible

from Providential Guideposts
Our Godly Soul … p. 20

In our unrelenting quest for truth relative to the human condition, we consider the matter of our soul interacting with a morally spiritual realm in the universe, that is to say, with God.

Faith, no less experience, leads us to know God is within and everywhere around us. That God is our soul, the very essence of life, is known to all who believe.

The ever-present aura emanating from each one of us, revealing our true identity, is but the sensory, at times visible, soul: A soul at one with nature.

There can be no doubt that we have the capacity to commune with God, with each breath we draw and with our every thought. We have but to call upon our own God-given Goodness and to act on that Goodness.

Death is but the release of the soul, a spiritual renaissance or rebirth; something to honour.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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