Friday, May 6, 2011


     You are beautiful because of you: There are none other like you. You do, however, have one thing in common with all others--that of goodness. It is this ever-present God-given trait within you that is critical to your well-being. And, not least, it is that which unites us in our humanity.

     Goodness, albeit a very real phenomenon, is ofttimes obscured by the circumstances of life. As such, it is not to be taken for granted. It's presence, both intellectually and spiritually, requires none other than a firm belief in your own goodness coupled with self-discipline to make it a conscious reality.

     Anger and uncertainty in your life tend to obscure the goodness: you feel lost and alone in a turmoil of emotions that, left unchecked, pull you ever deeper into despair. By being honest with yourself and confronting that which gives rise to your unhappiness you at once quiet the mind and slow the beating of your heart, thus allowing rational thought to come into play. Only then can you begin the ascent to recover that wondrous sense of Elysian goodness; that which is your very birthright.

     Goodness requires that you first love yourself. This in turn enables you to give freely of yourself to others, thus sustaining and enriching your life. Thus too is your beauty recognized.

Garry D. Kilbourn

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Bonnie said...

Shirley's email: I guess I've been on a life-long spiritual quest for most of my adult life. I did have the fortune of knowing God at a very young age, as we went to Church and Sunday School every Sunday, as my Mom was a 'life-time member' of the United Church. All my life, I've search for the meaning of things, trying to understand the complex nature of our human interactions, and especially trying to understand the choices we make during our journey to finding our own salvation and spirtuality (peace). I've discovered that it is a life-long process, and everyday we learn 'new things' about our journey. It's nice to have a chance to read your views and thoughts in 'Today's Reflections'. They certainly give you 'food for thought', and help with the ever and on-going meaning to our life.

Bonnie said...

NK's email: Please keep sending me your reflections. There are times when I feel low and just reading them brightens my day!

Bonnie said...

Rebeca's email: Thanks so much for this reflection. The second and third paragraphs definitely describe how I have felt lately. Anger, and specially uncertainty can lead us to obscure pathways...we feel the lack of guidance, the lack of a light that can help us to find the exit from those obscure pathways.
I pray to God for guidance, for knowing what's the right thing to do. But this reflection seems to be part of God's answer to me: I should quite the mind, and ask myself what's causing my unhappiness...I think I already know, but once I know...what's next??

Bonnie said...

Beryl's email: Thank you, this week has had its ups and downs and I needed to read that I am beautiful in God's sight, as He sees the inside and the outside. Something that happened 8 years ago and I thought that God had helped me thru it all, was triggered by just a name that sent my stomach into a knot, I prayed over it and spoke to our Pastor and we have prayed for real peace in the situation and I believe that already God is working with His love to restore peace in my self. Thank you again.

Bonnie said...

Carole's email: Hey Bonnie,You'll never know how forward I look to these reflections. They are helping me to heal a deep hole in my heart.