Sunday, May 8, 2011


Fear not to go within in search of the real you. It will come at a low point in your life when you are at a loss, not knowing where to turn. It is precisely this combination of events that will enable, nay, even compel you to make this journey. And it is one that will set you free.

Discovery of one's own self is not an intellectual exercise, something to be reasoned in the mind. By its very nature, it is a spiritual revelation; one that reveals our primary purpose in life, that of coming to know God.

Though the journey may be lifelong, we soon come to know a quieting of the mind coupled with a sense of inner peace. Even more, we learn to love our self and we become enlightened with the knowledge that we can do no better than to love both God and our neighbour. Ever mindful of God's presence, we manifest His goodness and enrich the lives of others.

Garry D. Kilbourn

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Bonnie said...

Email from Bess: Garry is so correct with today's message. Learning who you are does set one free. It is a lifelong journey and can be a tough journey but it is freeing and so worthwhile. I wish you a sucessful journey.

Bonnie said...

Email from Anne: It is so true----we have to go within.

Bonnie said...

Email from Annie: I just thoroughly enjoy Garry's reflections and particularly this last one. It really resonated with where I am at this present time. Very enlightening and encouraging. Just when we think we know who we are, God allows some circumstance in our lives to show us that we are not all that we think we are, or who we perceive ourselves to be. It is a lifelong journey for sure. His peace along the way makes it all worthwhile. How can anyone live in this world without the peace of Christ. Without that I would not even want to exist.

Bonnie said...

A note from Jane: Great piece,timely.

Bonnie said...

A note from Meg: I loved this, thank you. Garry's reflection is what my life has been about...looking within.

Bonnie said...

Email from Halina: Thank you Garry for an excellent reflection – wow – what a journey that is…..

Bonnie said...

Email from Shirley: Thanks for the reflection - all I can say is AMEN to this thought!

Bonnie said...

Email from Kathy: I always enjoy Garry's reflections - I can definitely relate to the quieting of the mind - it's a lot easier with the kids being older and less demanding.

Bonnie said...

Email from Anne: It is so true----we have to go within.

Bonnie said...

Email from Linda: Also wanted to thank you for the heart-felt sharing in your recent email. I too am enjoying the journey into 'real'. Letting go of layers lighten me up ~ it is a wonder how one can be so 'duped' by Maya to live so many years covering up such beautiful light!!

Bonnie said...

Email from Jennifer: Garry's words resonate after these last 5 years of personal challenges and I thank God every day for giving me people like you who encourage me and act as role models in this journey.

Bonnie said...

Email from Judy: So important to realize oneself in onself and not others.

Bonnie said...

Email from Cathy: I love Garry's reflection!! Isn't this soooo true of us women! We put on so many masks that after a time, we really don't know who we are any more! But, for me, it was discovering that God loves me more than I can ever know, no matter what! That it is really okay to be the real ME and He will still love me!! That God loves me more than anyone and that He will be with me through thick and thin, always encouraging me to be true.

Love it!!

Bonnie said...

Email from Maurice: I can truly identifie with Garry's reflection: knowing a quieting of the mind...having a sense of peace...learning to love myself...Thanks Garry.

Bonnie said...

Email from Marlene: It’s wonderful that you’re beginning to “know your self” and I too need to make more of an too much of a “people pleaser” and it’s hard to change. Please tell Garry that he truly has a gift of words, 'Fear not to go within in search of the real you' definitely speaks to me, and I will try very hard to put this into practice.

Bonnie said...

Email from Nancy: Thank-you for the latest reflection and thanks to Garry too! Always food for thought.

Bonnie said...

Email from Leslie: As always, I enjoyed reading Garry's reflection, and your comments about finding yourself. Isn't it true that we get lost in our lives, being the person that we believe others see us as. In reality we should be comfortable accepting ourselves as the person our loved ones know us to be.

Bonnie said...

Email from Derek: This reflection shows that it takes dire circumstances to see that – there is hope, goodness and understanding, we just have to seek it and allow goodness in – but why do we have to be at such a low to see this !!!! It’s almost as – I told you so!!!

Bonnie said...

Rani's email: Thank you for this beautiful reflection. I just love it. It summarizes the process and explains why we are pass through these difficult, yet essential moments. I love the way that Garry says that this journey starts when we are low and lost and don't know where to go thus compelling us to take this journey. Peace and tranquility is found within, where Love resides.