Monday, April 20, 2015

Reaching For The Light ... p. 29


Our TRUE BEING - our Divinely Spiritual Self - is made less mysterious and easier to understand if we but visualize it as being separate from the Body; this despite the fact Immortal Soul and Mortal Body are intertwined and dependent on each other for harmonious well-being.

Truth, the first principle and manifestation of God's Love and Goodness, must ever be our guidepost.

Truth is the foundation of our Being; a manifestation of our own spirituality. It is the catalyst which enables the transcendence of mortal mind into the realm of God's immortal presence; that which sets us free.

To stray from Truth and become lost in the ways of the world is a condition too well-known and results in aught but sorrow. The way back is found in zealous abidance with Truth and an unwavering pursuit to rediscover our True Being.

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