Friday, January 30, 2015

Providential Guideposts ... p. 36

Those who forever question life’s purpose tend to reach a time when the struggle to understand so exhausts the mind that the subconscious—our higher, spiritual, self—takes over. This divinely self-protective measure at once frees us of crippling egoism and blesses us instead with compassionate humility. Our soul is laid bare: we are again one with God, alive in the fullness of His Love.

Instinctively we know this new-found sense of spiritual empowerment is not in itself enough. With no thought of resting on our laurels, we discover the joy of giving freely of ourself to others, all the while manifesting God’s Goodness and His Love. In the doing we are even further blessed in that we awaken to the fact that we have become part of a community of the like-minded souls.

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