Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love for Humanity...

That we may become one with God, to manifest His goodness and His love, we are told to love our neighbour and our enemy. (Matthew 5: 43-44KJV)  Taken literally, this admonition may not easily be reconciled with our own sympathies.

When considering what was said, it is essential to bear in mind that Jesus of Nazareth, a most learned and remarkable man, and the one who spoke these words, consistently phrased his teaching in the form of parables, such being figurative speech not meant to be taken literally.

If we are to properly understand Jesus’ true meaning in this instance, we must first go to the word “love,” this being his oft-repeated message to all mankind.  To “love our neighbour and our enemy” is but metaphor for “humanity,” or all mankind.  In short, we are being asked to do that which we already know—to unselfishly love our fellow beings.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

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